Monday, 24 March 2008

Architecture Association

During Lionel's visit to UK in January , i had meet up twice with him.
So happy to see him here. :-)
This is the first meeting when joyce is still in Uk. We meet up in
London and have dinner at a japanese restaurant.
Oh ya! And with Lionel's sister and her friend.Then we went for shopping¬ I was looking for a luggage.
This picture was taken at Piccadilly Circus.
The reaction of the women in the picture is dam funny!>.<
This is the 2nd meeting... I had a tutorial with my tutor at the RIBA library in the afternoon, so I decided to meet up with him again B4 he go back to Singapore.We decided to visit Architecture Association. Roof terrace. I had saw the shelter in AA's website.
It is design by student...Cool ah¬
I think what behind the window is the studio.

looking down at the workshop.
We did not enter to the studio, just pretended to be AA students walking around.
But the sense/ atmosphere of architecture is strong in the school.

In the afternoon, we went for the tutorial¬ The old man is my tutor and others are my unit mates.

Huge LCD TV! Not just a LCD TV, it is a touch screen LCD TV connect with PC!
Dam rich sia, RIBA!

Friday, 21 March 2008

London Tate Modern Museum

Tate Modern is the national gallery of international modern art. The Collection comprises the national collection of British art from the year 1500 to the present day, and of international modern art.
Tate Modern and Millennium Bridge by Norman Foster.

The bracings were later added underneath the bridge
to prevent it from swinging.The day after New year
Foster position the bridge at this point to address St Paul's cathedral.

Tate Modern was once a power station- the tall chimney

A contemporary art - earth quake

A simple but striking staircase

view from 3rd floor of the museum因为展厅不允许摄影,没能跟大家分享一些艺术作品。
艺术 = 一种难以理解的东东

London Eye Count down - 3 months past +.+''''

Countdown at London Eye

It is not so beautiful in picture as in real life.
A min into 2008

倒数刚完,清洁工人就开工了。 其实,英国倒数挺“可怕”的。很多人high到疯了似的,酒汉随处可见。
我看也只有New Year,警察才会这么热情。

Friday, 7 March 2008

Edinburgh Trip - Last day

Back to Edinburgh...last day of the tour T.T
From the top you have an excellent view of the city and the
River Forth,and there are several stone monuments to see.
很酷,很强壮。。哦! Hehe!

Nelson Monument

View on the Arthur's Seat, the mountain we climbed 2 days ago.
On the way to Edinburgh Castle...

Edinburgh Castle, which is built on top of a cliff, dominates the city.
The castle was attacked and destroyed several times, during many years of fighting between the English and Scottish.

looking down on the city center

Some performance by local school girls.

At the foot of Edinburgh Castle

Ah! Ahhhhh! Monster!!

OM...G!! Here comes the Bigger one!
Portable tri-pod stand!haha! >.< Scottish piper with his dog...